by doris_day » Tue Feb 02, 2010 9:12 am
No company these days seems to be happy with narrowcasting and offering a single great product. The orginal BF model was fantastic and offered us all some wonderful opportunities. It did so well that it triggered the greed genes in the owners and they decided that rather than simply improve their model, they would add extra bits in the hope that they could squeeze more profit from the dumb and dumber that used their site.
What they seemed to overlook was that by adding all these extra elements, it would have a profound effect on their main service, especially when the extra bits drew resources from the same hardware.
Betfair is now driven by pure greed and contempt for their users and, although I make a good living from their exchange I hope that they will eventually get taught a lesson.
And that goes for so many other organisations that are run on similar principles. CEO's seem to believe that the only reason for the existence of a company is the generation of profit.
'He was looking for the card so high and wild he'd never need to deal another' - Leonard Cohen