InstallMarket ReplayFixed bug where multiple below minimum stake Excel bets triggered on same refresh freeze market.
Fixed bug where sometimes non runner reduction factor being applied incorrectly.
Fixed bug where matching algorithm applied to non virtual odds instead of virtual odds when cross matching calculation applied.
Fixed bug where partially unmatched bets being lapsed at market suspension instead of just fully unmatched bets.
COM interfaceFixed bug where Bet object returned from getBets() never reporting status as matched.
Fixed bug where prices not updating for some markets which have non runners
TPDAdded new getTpd(). Returns TpdSelection object with following properties:-
marketId As String
selectionId As String
distanceToGoInMetres As Double
fastestSpeed As Double
leaderDirection As Integer
leaderDistance As Double
leaderSpeed As Double
runningTimeInSeconds As Double
slowestSpeed As Double
timestamp As Date
totalDistanceInMetres As Double
saddleCloth As String
active As Integer
cadenceError As Double
metresBackFromLeader As Double
progress As Double
runningOrder As Integer
speed As Double
speedCoursePar As Double
speedRanking As Integer
strideFrequency As Double
strideFrequencyCoursePar As Double
velocityError As Double
velocityFluctuation As Double
Fixed issue where null data in feed prevented connection.
Fixed bug where data not displayed on grid when saddlecloth more than 19 and option to display different colors for each box selected.
GeneralGoing for horse racing course is updated every 15 minutes now instead of just once when market opened.
Added option to video preferences to display live video in separate application. Some users had issues with interference with main application. This should prevent the issue.
Custom ColumnsAdded new custom column type: Lay Field