Excel coding expert needed for Betfair

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Excel coding expert needed for Betfair

Postby Casshern » Mon Oct 29, 2012 4:34 pm


I am looking for somebody who can code the following into an automated script I can run on betfair -

Back a market at a specific time in running, if totals goals = ?
Lay out of market at another specific time, if total goals = ?

Can anybody help? Will gladly pay for it.


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Joined: Mon Oct 29, 2012 4:30 pm

Postby negapo » Mon Oct 29, 2012 7:23 pm

The most challenging is to get a feed for the current score of the match. You can deduct the score from the CorrectScore market and the OverUnder (both will give you information and can be useful) but you have to be careful. It would be good if you could monitor for market suspensions also and then try to ascertain if there was a goal scored.

You would have to build rules like:
If CurrentScore 0-0 best BackOdds > 500 or OverUnder 0.5 is closed you can assume that 0-0 is not the current score else you can assume 0-0
If OverUnder 1.5 still open you can assume the score is either 1-0 or 0-1 so you can check if the Correct Score 1-0 back odds are greater than the 0-1 and know the score.

You can build this kind of rules or you can scrape a good live score feed (you would have to check the odds of the correct score anyway just to be certain).

You have to take further steps if the matched that you are betting are illiquid.
In liquid markets if you make a mistake you don't pay much (you can try to figure if a market is liquid by measuring the difference in ticks between best Back and Lay odds and the amounts available on each side).

It's not very complicated but it would involve some work.
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Postby mithcd » Wed Sep 04, 2013 12:45 am

Hi Casshern, are you still looking for someone for this?
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